Haute Ecole de Joaillerie

The oldest jewellery establishment in the world, Haute École de Joaillerie was created in 1867 by the profession. Its filial tie with the profession makes it one of the pillars in passing on French knowledge.

Haute école de joaillerie

A school by the trade for the trade

The oldest jewellery establishment in the world, Haute École de Joaillerie was created in 1867 by the profession. Its filial tie with the profession makes it one of the pillars in passing on French know-how. For 150 years, Haute École de Joaillerie has been training generations of jewellers, goldsmiths and gemmologists who go on to work in the foremost workshops. A true reference point for all those involved in the profession, it consists of four departments: initial training, work-related training, continuing vocational training and international training.

Certified ISO 9001, Haute École de Joaillerie offers all students the finest workshops and equipment for a complete apprenticeship in the jewellery trades, from passing on the basic procedures to the most modern computer design and drawing technologies.

Passing on the longest-standing traditions as well as the most modern computer design and drawing technologies.

A few figures

600 students including 144 in initial training, 123 in work-study programmes and 337 in continuing education programmes
50faculty members, at 2 teaching sites
12production workshops, including 10 within the school itself
270,000training hours delivered in 2017, more than 140,000 of which are continuous
100%employability rate in initial training, and 80% in work-study programmes
150years in operation

Our values

  • Passion

    The desire to share and pass on the passion for the jewellery professions.

  • Passing on tradition

    An exceptional secular know-how and a proud French heritage to preserve and pass on, from generation to generation.

  • Creation

    Revealing each person’s unique creativity and reinventing pathways to anticipate changes.

  • Top standards

    Committed to educational excellence that guarantees successful professional integration.

  • Dynamism

    An open school model in step with the changes in our world.

  • Innovation

    Always on the watch, to adapt teaching methods and curricula to technological developments and the needs of the sector.

  • Openness

    The guarantor of a heritage, a French art of living, and a universal mindset looking ahead to the future.


Les samedis 10 février, 17 Févier et 23 mars 2024, la Haute École de Joaillerie ouvre ses portes à Paris, Lyon et Aix-en-Provence

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