Finding a company

The search for a company is a personal undertaking that is the responsibility of the person who passed the aptitude test, proving the candidate’s initiative-taking ability and commitment.

All offers received by the Work-Study Department of Haute Ecole de Joaillerie are sent out to those students who passed the aptitude test.

Depending on your position in the test ranking, the Work-Study Department of Haute École de Joaillerie provides companies with your contact details for direct contact. However, the CFA cannot guarantee that you will find a host company.

The search for a company is a personal undertaking that is the responsibility of the person who passed the aptitude test, proving the candidate’s initiative-taking ability and commitment.

Those having passed the test may also register their CV and view the Work-Study offers on the Job Portal maintained by the Work-Study Department of Haute École de Joaillerie, consulted by numerous professional members of the BJOP Union Française.


Les samedis 10 février, 17 Févier et 23 mars 2024, la Haute École de Joaillerie ouvre ses portes à Paris, Lyon et Aix-en-Provence

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