Admission to the bachelor’s in jewellery design programme

Bachelor’s in Jewellery Design, a three-year programme to become familiar with creation and jewellery inspirations.

To enter the 1st year

You hold an  Baccalaureate, or have a BTS in Product Design or equivalent.

Admission method: school records and interview

  • 10 to 15 samples of personal work (format to be chosen by the applicant),
  • 1 sketch book
  • A book of photos of creations in volume (modelling, sculpture, clay, etc.)
  • Any other item which the applicant deems useful to support his/her application

To enter the 3rd year

Admission method: school records and interview

  • 10 samples of personal work
  • Any other selection that the candidate deems appropriate to support their candidacy
  • Download the booking form HERE 
"Le Projet Individuel de Création (PIC) est un moment unique de rencontre, d'échanges et de création"


Les samedis 10 février, 17 Févier et 23 mars 2024, la Haute École de Joaillerie ouvre ses portes à Paris, Lyon et Aix-en-Provence

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